Zonder lied gaat het niet


Rest, weary one.

Lay your head down.

You have travelled far.

I have no clever words for you.

No system to teach.

No image to maintain.

You'll find no philosophy here.

No answers to your many questions.

I offer only presence.


A bed. A meal. 

A small kindness to repay yours.

I am no better than you.

My guru is life.

My lineage is love.

I do not separate

the enlightened from the unenlightened.

I teach nothing I do not live.

I quote not from books but from the cracks in the heart. 

I see your fragility yet I see your immense power.

You are not broken.

Don't let them tell you 

that you are broken.

We met long ago when dust settled to form worlds.

I think I saw your courage then.

Close your eyes; I will keep watch tonight.

- “Lullaby for the seeker”, Jeff Foster